Research in applied linguistics in the information space of the 21st century


15th – 16th April 2019 (Monday-Tuesday)


Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Faculty of Humanities

1146 Budapest, Dózsa György út 2527

Website of the congress: www.kre.hu/btk/manyexxvii.html

Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Faculty of Humanities



You can submit your application

  • as a presenter by: (1) filling out the application form, (2) submitting an abstract and (3) paying the participation fee, or
  • as a participant by: (1) filling out the application form and (2) paying the participation fee.

The language of the congress is Hungarian. If your native language is not Hungarian, you can submit your abstract in English.

You can find further information about the process of application and uploading the abstracts on the website of the congress: www.kre.hu/btk/manyexxvii.html

  • We would like to ask all of you (participants, presenters – including the members of workshops) to give your e-mail address during registration in EasyChair system, because the organisers will get in touch with you in this way.
  • ATTENTION! Application deadline: the abstracts can be uploaded between 2nd January and 11th February 2019 on the platform of the congress. We will notify the applicants about accepting the abstracts until 3rd March 2019.



The aim of the congress is discussing the latest research findings on the field of applied linguistics relating the topic of “language, culture and identity”. We welcome applications from all fields of applied linguistics presentating relevant topics to the theme of the congress.

Presenters of the plenary session: László Honti and Gábor Tolcsvai Nagy

Brassai presentations: Péter Medgyes and Csilla SárdiSubmitting abstracts: abstracts can be submitted to section presentations, poster presentations or workshop sessions.

Membership in Hungarian Association of Applied Linguists and Language Teachers (MANYE)

  • Membership fee: 4500 HUF/year. The membership form can be downloaded from the following website: http://manye.hu/node/11.
  • If you are a member in the Hungarian Association of Applied Linguists and Language Teachers (MANYE), you get a discount from the conference fee.
  • The membership fee should be paid until 15th February of every calendar year to the main bank account of MANYE.


We would like to ask you to pay the membership fee via bank transfer.

ATTENTION! The bank account of the congress is not the same as the bank account of MANYE.

Bank details of the congress:

Bank: ERSTE Bank Hungary Rt.

Bank account of the congress: 11600006-00000000-83689842


IBAN: HU56 11600006-00000000-83689842

  • During the transfer, please give the name of the participant in the “Comment” field.
  • Cancellation: In case of cancellation before 3rd March 2019, we can refund 50% of the amount paid. In case of later cancellation, we cannot refund the conference fee.
  • Need for invoice: Please indicate your need for invoice when you submit your application! If you need an invoice before payment, please ask for a pro forma invoice by writing to the following e-mail address: manyekongresszus2019@gmail.com!

Participation fees and deadlines for payment

For MANYE members1 PhD students, university students, who are members of MANYE1 For not MANYE members
Early bird Until 8th March 2019 HUF 19,000 HUF 14,000 HUF 24,000
Normal Until 22th March 2019 HUF 22,000 HUF 17,000 HUF 27,000

1The discount is applicable for those members of MANYE who has already paid their membership fee for 2019.

The participation fee includes the following:

  • Presenting or participating on the congress,
  • Congress package,
  • Reception (first evening),
  • Coffee, soft drinks, snacks (coffee breaks),
  • Opportunity for publication of the presentation in the volume of the congress (in case of positive feedback),
  • Volume of the papers of the plenary, poster and section presentations in electronic form.


Fóris Ágota
Chair of the Program Committee
Bölcskei Andrea
Chair of the Organising Committee
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