President: Ágota Fóris

Vice Presidents: Eszter Papp, Gábor Prószéky

Secretary: Andrea Bölcskei


Ágota Fóris

Department of Hungarian Linguistics of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary and Terminology Research Group (TERMIK)

Ágota Fóris, habil. (2006), Ph.D. (2002), linguist. Her research area involves Hungarian and applied linguistics, including lexicography, terminology, specialized languages, technical and scientific vocabulary. She is the editor and author of the Hungarian–Italian and Italian–Hungarian Technical and Scientific Dictionary, the books entitled “Szótár és oktatás” [Dictionary and Education], “Hat terminológiai lecke” [Six Terminology Lessons], “Kutatásról nyelvészeknek” [On Research for Linguists], and many other publications.

Founding member of the Council of Hungarian Terminology (MaTT), and its President since 2013; member of the European Association for Terminology (EAFT) (Vice President between 2010–2014); member of the TERMINI Association. She is a member of the Hungarian Language in Science Presidential Committee, the Working Committee on Dictionary and the Working Committee on Applied Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Vice President of the Hungarian Association of Applied Linguists and Language Teachers (MANYE) (since 2013). She has organized numerous conferences and acted as a member of their organizing and programme committees. Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Hungarian Terminology (2008–2013). She is the initiator and developer of the Terminology Master Programme. Full Professor at the Department of Hungarian Linguistics, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, and Head of the Terminology Research Group (TERMIK).


Vice Presidents

Eszter Papp


Eszter Papp, Ph.D. (2013), linguist, English−Hungarian technical translator. The terminologist of LEG Magyarország Zrt. between 2011 and 2016, member of the EAFT (European Association for Terminology), its Vice-President between 2014 and 2018, representative of TERMIK on the Board. Since 2013 Vice-President of MaTT (Council of Hungarian Terminology). The works of the multilingual automotive terminology database at the LEG Magyarország Zrt. started with her leadership.

She was an editor of the Journal of Hungarian Terminology between 2009 and 2013, reviewer, editor and translator of several papers and monographs in the field of terminology and linguistics.


Gábor Prószéky

Research Institute for Linguistics, PPKE ITK, Morphologic

Research Institute for Linguistics:


Andrea Bölcskei

Department of Hungarian Linguistics of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary and Terminology Research Group (TERMIK)

Andrea Bölcskei, habil. (2018), Ph.D. (2003), linguist. Her research interests include onomastics, terminology and the linguistic aspects of standardization. Secretary of the Council of Hungarian Terminology (MaTT); member of the European Association for Terminology (EAFT), the Working Group on Terminology of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS), the Working Group on Exonyms and on Toponymic Terminology of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN); member of the executive board of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics and the Working Committee on Hungarian Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Author of numerous publications, regular participant and organizer of international and national conferences. Co-Editor of the Journal of Hungarian Terminology (2008–2013). Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Hungarian Linguistics and the Institute of Hungarian Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Studies, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, member of the Terminology Research Group (TERMIK).


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